Welcome to The One & Done Film Club! We want to watch a movie with you! Welcome to our seventh episode, in which we bust out the telescopes and consult the magic compass! It's time for a highly anticipated installment...THE PIRATES EPISODE. Bless up for Mr. Gore Verbinkski. We're taking a dive into the Caribbean sea to find hidden treasure, zombies, fish men, and beating hearts! Which film of the five will we choose? Which villains might we encounter? Find out here in this cannon blast of an episode! The premise is simple: A favorite franchise, like the Pirates films, gets debated, with each of the three hosts picking an installment to stand for. And once we have a winner, we throw on that movie & watch along with you! A full on commentary, right after we make a selection. Let us know what you think of our selection! And what did you think about the discussion? Let's talk.

Keep up with Nicky, Reed, & Alden on Twitter over @OneNDoneShow! That's where you’ll find updates, movie conversations, & more!

Find Nicky on Instagram here, on Twitter here, & on The Imperial Senate Podcast! Check out Alden @AD_Strider on Twitter, @a.d.strider on Instagram, and @AhchToRadio on Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook! And be sure to follow Reed on Twitter, Instagram, and on The Babble Bubble across all of your social media & podcast platforms!

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