TF Jenkins shares the top three values in most individuals: faith, family, and finance. What you put first shapes your whole life. Starting a family in Seattle and choosing to move back to his hometown of Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida has given him a perspective of taking risks while trusting something bigger. His creativity in his profession as a wealth advisor is a choice — from the office he’s made as a home away from home to his attention to detail with every client. 

His love for family is shared through encouraging his kids to try new things alongside him. And he shares that this is the most important thing for kids to experience — seeing their parents try something new first. His eloquent voice and calm demeanor are lovely to experience and are qualities he holds in success and under pressure. 

The relationship we share comes through our conversation. I’m so proud to call him my husband; and he really is the example of living a life of creative abundance.

In this conversation, you’ll hear:

How work is artWhy your kids need to see you trying new things firstHow trying new things is the key to lifeWhat drives every person (in some way and in some order)What a shared vision with your partner can cause


One Creative Act’s Instagram: @onecreativeactMary Lyn Jenkins' Instagram: @marylynbigfishBig Fish Co.’s Instagram: @livebigfish Big Fish Co.’s Website: Jenkins' Website: Sanford's Website: Sanford's Instagram: @starrsanforddesign Tacolu's Website: Trail: of Eleven 22's Website: