Although not an expert — just ask my kids — I am a dedicated parent of two teens; and I love what parenting teaches me daily. In this episode, I talk about the most under-practiced skill in parenting — listening. Just by bringing this into the spaces and interactions with my kids, connection fills the room and our relationship deepens. My top 10 simple summer additions to the home work (almost) every time to stir conversations and I can’t wait for you to try them in your own home. Creativity would be a fulltime job in parenting, so listen for what I believe is the most important thing we can practice to enjoy our days through parenthood. Be inspired, Momma, Daddy, mentor, or anyone shaping the next generation to be great. And thanks for joining me in the game. 

In this conversation, you’ll hear:

What I’ve found to be the secret sauce of parenting My top 10 additions for every home to build connection with your kidsWhat I believe is the most important practice in parenting What my husband and I argue about the mostHow the room will lift and shift when we see ourselves as “the board”How relax and rigor can be our greatest friends


One Creative Act’s Instagram: @onecreativeactMary Lyn Jenkins' Instagram: @marylynbigfishBig Fish Co.’s Instagram: @livebigfishcoLit from Within LeadershipTrainings’ Instagram: @litfromwithinyoga Big Fish Co.’s Website: livebigfishco.comCompassion International’s Website: