Biz wants a new job, one where she isn’t President of All The Stuff. In any relationship, is it inevitable that one person becomes the boss of a majority of day-to-day stuff? Is it resentment that we can feel over this arrangement, or just fatigue? Regardless, it seems like sometimes we just want someone else to be the boss….BUT, OH NO….can we let go of being President? Maybe we just need to be the President of Venting. Plus, Theresa has a big announcement and we talk to Angela Arsenault, Features Editor at, about teens and sex in the digital age.   You can find the last part of the four-part series on Sex, Teens and the Digital Age here with links to the apps and websites Angela mentioned, as well as the previous three pieces:   Follow Angela on Twitter: @JustThisBreath   Share your genius and fail moments! Call 206-350-9485*

*Be sure to tell us at the top of your message whether you're leaving a genius moment, a fail, or a rant! Thanks!!

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