Chase Geiser is joined by Ryan Dawson.

Ryan Dawson is a Historian from the College of William & Mary with over 20 years of political activism in a variety of mediums: blogging, radio, books, film, and television.


Ryan Dawson has appeared multiple times on Russia Today, Press TV, Indus News, Sputnik, CNN Headline News, MSNBC, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Al Jazeera, anti-war radio, Eddie Bravo Radio, George Galloway, Pat Buchanan, and a variety of radio shows and podcasts.

Ryan on the Web

Ryan Dawson is Webmaster and host for which features podcasts on politics and economics with professionals from around the world.

Also a forum for anti-neocons

Over 3,000 youtube videos 81k subscribers and 30 million views. That is after being fully deleted 5 times.  It was deleted Dec 2008. The New Channel was deleted 

March 4th 2018 and again Feb 21 2019 However after pressure it was restored. It was deleted a final time Jan 28, 2021.

Substitute host for the What Really Happened Radio show with Mike Rivero.

Formerly Host of Geopolitics with Ryan Dawson on with FBI Whistle blower Sibel Edmonds


Author of “Welcome to the USSA” and “The Separation of Business and State” also the co-author of, “Why Peace”

Ryan Dawson Films:

War by Deception

Decades of Deception

Neocolonialism in Africa

The Empire Unmasked

God is Not a Real Estate Agent, Trump’s Zionist ball & chain

Syria: Israel’s invisible hand

‘The Jewish State’: How terrorists formed a nation

The Parasite

Cornpop’s Revenge


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Ryan's Website:


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