Today's Oncology Spotlight is with Dr. Giuseppe Banna, a 46-year old Consultant Medical Oncologist, and father of 2 daughters. His clinical and scientific experience has been mostly focused on thoracic and urology cancer and prognostic and predictive biomarkers for systemic cancer treatments, particularly for immunotherapy. He works at the Department of Oncology of Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust in the UK and his subspecialties are Lung and Urology. He’s Italian and moved to the UK two years ago.

Currently, he’s working with his European colleagues on predictive models of efficacy and toxicity of immunotherapy based on immune-inflammatory biomarkers and artificial intelligence.

He has a soft spot for the academy and clinical and translational research. In 2017, he was entitled with an Italian qualification to be an Associate Professor. He promoted translational and clinical research trials and joined national and European cancer research networks.

He’s the coordinator of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM), Italian Germ Cell Cancer Group (IGG) guidelines for testicular germ cell tumors, and also a member of the British Thoracic Oncology Group (BTOG), the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG), the Italian Urologic Meet-Uro and the EORTC Lung and Urology Cancer Group.

In 2011 he co-founded a non-profit organization "Medicare Onlus - You Make It Real" to promote initiatives regarding the primary and secondary prevention of cancer and support cancer patients and their families in the South of Italy.

We at ONCOassist had a chance to speak with him about his work and its impact on his life both professionally and personally. His responses during the interview offer meaningful insight into the life of an Oncologist who’s dedicated to providing unparalleled care to his patients.

00:00 Introduction
02:26 Medicare Onlus - You Make It Real
04:25 What would you say excites you the most in your industry?
06:33 Mentions: Alfredo Addeo & Fabio Gomes
09:22 How did you originally find out about ONCOassist and why did you decide to install the app?
16:26 How do you use ONCOassist?
18:02 In your perspective, what health industry problem is ONCOassist well placed to solve?‍
19:20 Why did you decide to pursue a career in medicine, specifically Oncology?
22:22 What are some of your biggest challenges day-to-day as an Oncologist?
25:22 A positive impact of COVID-19 is the adoption of digital health, can you give us a few examples of your experience around this?
27:29 Mention: ONCOalert & Gil Morgan
29:27 ‍For any patients and caregivers reading this, what are your tips on navigating cancer care?

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Dr. Giuseppe Banna:

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