Welcome to 'Oncology Spotlight,' where we illuminate the world of haematology and dive deep into its intricacies with an inspiring guest, Geraldine Walpole. As a Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Haematology and the Chairperson of Multiple Myeloma Ireland, Geraldine brings a unique perspective to our discussion.

In this episode, Geraldine shares her background, the motivation behind her nursing career, and what led her to specialize in haematology. We also explore the critical initiatives and support services Multiple Myeloma Ireland provides to patients, shedding light on the significance of patient support groups in the journey of those facing haematologic disorders.

Advancements in haematology are a crucial aspect, and Geraldine offers insights into recent breakthroughs in myeloma treatment. Additionally, we discuss the importance of continuous education for healthcare professionals and the challenges faced in haematology care, along with possible solutions.

Collaboration and multidisciplinary care are key components of patient well-being, and Geraldine elaborates on how she collaborates with haematologists and oncologists to ensure comprehensive care. Looking to the future, we explore promising developments and trends in the field of haematology.

Join us in this illuminating conversation, gaining insights from Geraldine's wealth of experience and dedication to improving lives in the realm of haematology.