BTC $ 34,777

Today's show is slightly different!

It's a 20 minute FUD bust special with #bitcoin mining legend @JPbaric who comes on to bust the FUD that #bitcoin mining is bad for the environment!

Huge thanks to @JPbaric for helping us arm ourselves with more knowledge to beat the FUD!

This is an experimental show, please leave feedback and comments in the replies so that I can gauge the interest in this idea!

Environmental FUD is going to be a hot topic for this bull run!

I stand on the shoulders of giants, these guys are amazing.

Thank you:

@coinfloor @swanbitcoin for your trust and support.

@adamwoodhams1 for producing the show.

@jimreapermusic for creating

@hodlerthanthou and the Britcoiners @twentyoneism.

Shills and Mench’s:

