BTC $ 47,348

Today's guest on the show is none other than @edstromandrew who joins me and Lauren to help us bust some FUD!

Join us as we take a deep dive into what is driving this narrative from mainstream media and why it is effectively influencing people's minds to not invest in #bitcoin.

Is the FUD protecting the already disastrous environmental cost of the current fiat legacy system?

Does #bitcoin pose a threat to the existing order by driving down the cost of 'green tech?

How does harnessing toxic waste gas to mine for #Bitcoin instead of releasing it into the air give companies a revenue stream instead of a waste product?

What is the actual environmental and dollar cost of our existing structure?

Finally, why does @edstromandrew feel I should step away from the podcast?

Thank you so much for coming on @edstromandrew, it is always great to catch up with you, see you in Miami for the 100k ;)

I stand on the shoulders of giants, these guys are amazing.

Thank you:

@coinfloor @swanbitcoin for your trust and support.

@jimreapermusic for creating

@hodlerthanthou and the Britcoiners @twentyoneism.

Shills and Mench’s:



@CathieDWood - @ARKinvest

@SGBarbour - 



Book mentioned, trade Wars Are Class Wars.

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