BTC $ 58,321

Today's guest on the show is @DrBitcoinMD - A practising MD based in the UK who comes on the show to talk about how #bitcoin has changed his view on the health system.

How do #bitcoin and neurological science crossover and how has it helped @DrBitcoinMD shape his thinking and world view.

How has a bitcoiner who is stuck inside a horribly managed, centralised monopolistic system sen through some of the blatant bs that is fed to the general public via the mainstream media?

How can #Bitcoin help fight the Medical Mafia?

Does he feel we are on a tipping point of many medical professionals coming forward to share their insights, experiences and thoughts about what has happened this last year and will this help change the narrative?

What long-term effects will the lockdowns have on individuals and families in years to come?

A huge thank you to @DrBitcoinMD for coming on the show and sharing all of this information, please reach out to the Doc for any medical or #bitcoin advice, his Dm's are open and he is always happy to connect ;)

I stand on the shoulders of giants, these guys are amazing.

Thank you:

@coinfloor @swanbitcoin @relai_ch @ShiftCryptoHQ for your trust and support.

@jimreapermusic for creating

@hodlerthanthou and the Britcoiners @twentyoneism.

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