Today's guest on the show is @douglasbakkum the CEO and Co-Founder of  @ShiftCryptoHQ who created the Bitbox02 #Bitcoin only hardware wallet.

Join Douglas and I as we explore his eccentric past, including conversations about neuroscience, working with brains, Artificial Intelligence and working on robotics in Tokyo!

We also dig into the Bitbox02 Hardware wallet and the cool features it has, the trade-offs they made making it and why it's #bitcoin only.

Huge thanks to @douglasbakkum for coming on the show.

Make sure you download @fountain_app and start playing around with it. Next week I will announce a giveaway by @shiftcryptoHQ that you can take part in for the chance to win a Bitbox02 hardware wallet.

I stand on the shoulders of giants, these guys are amazing.

Thank you:

@coinfloor @swanbitcoin @relai_ch @ShiftCryptoHQ for your trust and support. @jimreapermusic for creating @hodlerthanthou and the Britcoiners @twentyoneism.

If you would like to support the show you can listen via @sphinx_chat and join the tribe!

You can also support the show by using the @Breez_Tech App and searching for the Once BITten Podcast!

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