
Today's guest on the show is Michael from @Bitcoinbeach

in El Zonte in El Salvador.

Are you sick of your temperate or political climate?

Have you dreamed of living in or visiting a growing #Bitcoin community?

Listen to Michael explain how this project began with a clandestine meeting and how they have been educating the local community to help them understand #Bitcoin.

How many different nationalities are living at @Bitcoinbeach and are there any Britcoiners out there?

Will El Salvador be one of the first countries to adopt a #Bitcoin standard?

How is this project changing the shape and feel of the local community in El Zonte?

Will #Bitcoin companies locate or set up field offices in EL Zonte and use @Bitcoinbeach as the perfect testing ground for new products/services for the #Bitcoin community.

What is life like in El Zonte, what kind of accommodation can you find, what services are available to families and how do Michael and other families educate their kids?

How did Michael fall into the rabbit hole and how did paying upwards of 30k per year in credit card fees within his business help drive his understanding of the power of #bitcoin.

A huge thank you to Michael for taking the time to come on the show to talk about the @Bitcoinbeach project.

I stand on the shoulders of giants, these guys are amazing.

Thank you:

@coinfloor @swanbitcoin for your trust and support.

@adamwoodhams1 for producing the show.

@jimreapermusic for creating www.once-bitten.com

@hodlerthanthou and the Britcoiners @twentyoneism.

Shills and Mench’s:



