BTC $10,155

Ben Prentice @mrbcoolbp is the co-creator of the incredible website

In this podcast we uncover wtAf did happen in 1971 and discuss at length some pretty startling discoveries. Join Ben and I as we engage in a wide ranging interview about money and Bitcoin.

Discover why societies across the globe are paying the ultimate price of the financial regulatory decisions put into place during a ‘meeting of the minds’ who decided our monetary and economic futures 50 years ago. Learn why inflation is one of the most misunderstood concepts of modern day monetary theory and how it has kickstarted the catastrophic knock on effects felt today in modern day society. Learn the definition of money and whether you are thinking about it and using it effectively.

Find out if Bitcoin is a bonafide option for you to consider investing in and if Bitcoin is the answer for people across the world to find a store of value and save money for their futures.

Learn about the stock to flow ratio of currencies and commodities and how it effects asset prices. Understand the history of money and why gold has ultimately completely failed as being a medium of exchange.

What the hell is Money Maximalism and why is Bitcoin considered to be the hardest money ever invented by human civilisation?

Find out who the best people are to learn from when first dipping your toe into the Bitcoin fountain of knowledge, and finally, who is @Ninja and why could he be the key to unlock the next generation of Bitcoin adopters?

Full list of Shills and Mench’s

Bitcoin echo chamber Podcast - @heavilyarmedc

Ben asked me to retroactively add @JWWeatherman_ from

@APompliano Host of Off The Chain Podcast.

@edstromandrew Author of Why Buy Bitcoin

@RaoulGMI founder of @realvision and Global Macro Investor.







@saifedean The Bitcoin Standard


@dergigi -

@parkeralewis of @unchainedcap









Jörg Guido Hülsmann Ethics of money production -

Rothbard -

Henry Hazlitt

Why Buy Bitcoin