“Customers are engaging with us — it would be a huge missed opportunity not to be listening actively, looking for trends, mining the data, and proactively getting that information back to the respective teams so that we can improve across the board.”  

– Brian Wolfe, Vice President of Global Customer Service, JBL 

In this episode, host Sarah Grace McCandless talks with Brian Wolfe, vice president of Global Customer Service for JBL, about why listening to consumers is critical for delivering their brand promise of world-class audio – and customer – experiences.  

Learn more about what informs and inspires the JBL customer experience (CX) strategy, including how the pandemic fast-tracked the need to evolve from a business-to-business focus to inclusive of a more business-to-consumer lens, particularly with the massive spike in direct ecommerce.   
An expert in all things CX, Brian has also been particularly focused in the past several years on further growing JBL digital brand engagement, including through the launch of a new support center as well as increasing social engagement for customer service support. As he notes, “I think it’s more about options and letting folks choose what channel is their preferred channel, how they want to interact with you, when they want to interact with you.” 
Join us as Brian shares key considerations for providing JBL customers with CX on the same world-class level as the audio products they buy.  

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