“I could turn that repeat business into loyal business. How do I do that? I have to create some kind of a connection. The way that’s done is through something emotional. … If somebody says, ‘I love doing business with them,’ well, love is an emotional word, and ‘like’ is not quite as emotional.” -Shep Hyken, Chief Amazement Officer at Shepard Presentations

Welcome to OnBrand! In this episode, join host Sarah Grace McCandless as she speaks with acclaimed customer service and experience expert Shep Hyken, about the difference between “like” and “love” when it comes to brand relationships and how to create lasting connections that ensure repeat customers and encourage them to become long-term brand advocates.

Shep Hyken believes that “customer service is not a department; it’s a philosophy.” For Shep, that philosophy has fueled countless speaking engagements and seven books (and counting!) on CX-centered topics. His latest efforts are focused on how to design and deliver customer experiences that get customers to connect with your brand — and return.

Shep explains: “I believe when you create experiences where customers are willing to share their friends’ names and phone numbers, their colleagues’ names and phone numbers, or just talk about in casual conversation with others, that’s when you know you’ve created that connection. You’ve gone beyond loyalty and into advocacy.”

A renowned customer experience expert for more than 30 years, Shep is a leading voice in CX. His latest book, I’ll Be Back, will be released on September 21 and is available for pre-order (with an instant ebook download) here.

Join us to hear more from Shep about his latest CX research and how brands can develop emotional connections that move customer experiences from “like” to “love” in the latest episode of OnBrand! 

Episode Resources

Pre-order I’ll Be Back


Shep Hyken’s Social Profiles

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shephyken/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hyken

Website: https://hyken.com/

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