“People want to be engaged — they want to be excited — they see problems all around and they want to be part of the solution and to make things happen. … We all get so busy and caught up in our day-to-day lives, things we need to do, and outcomes that we’re going for, that we sometimes lose that sense of community — but it’s actually our community that carries us forward. It gives us our sense of identity, our purpose, and our place in the world.” 

– Kriti Kapoor, Worldwide Director of Intelligent Automation Community & Digital Championship at HP 

Welcome to OnBrand! In this digital transformation–themed episode, join host Sarah Grace McCandless as she speaks with Kriti Kapoor, the worldwide director of Intelligent Automation Community & Digital Championship at HP. Through their conversation, you’ll learn more about what it means to strengthen community connections digitally, the power of technology to augment human capability, the value of networking and maintaining a strong support system, and much more! 

 Digital transformation, including robotic process automation (RPA) and intelligent automation (IA), may represent the next great leap when it comes to creating community and connecting virtually with the brands we care about. Communication has never been easier, more workforces are using digital collaboration tools than ever before, and artificial intelligence (AI) can now help us manage our resources quickly, efficiently, and mistake-free. The seamless brand experience of the future is being built here and now, and whatever comes next may be just as radical and revolutionary as what we’re seeing today, as Kriti explains: 

“The future of work as we know it is changing extremely rapidly. (For instance), knowledge work. Factories, as we know, have gone through the industrial revolution — we’re now in a fourth industrial revolution, which is actually the automation era, or automation age — and so, what we’re seeing is that knowledge work as we know it … it’s getting impacted, it’s getting influenced, it’s getting determined and shaped by automation. You’re going to see more and more of that happening in the workplace. 

“My role is about bringing a group of learners, users, superusers, experts, adopters, and industries together to have a dialogue and conversation about where the future of work is going, how we bring our communities together, and how I actually end up creating a community within HP, as well, of practitioners, champions, and advocates,” she says. 

 Formerly a leader for prominent tech brands such as Compaq, Dell, HP, Microsoft, and UiPath, Kriti recently returned to HP to accelerate and champion digital transformation for the organization, with a focus on cognitive and citizen-led automation.   

Join us and learn more about how digital transformation efforts are revolutionizing the way we work, connect, and build community in this episode of OnBrand! 

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Kriti Kapoor (Twitter) 

HP (LinkedIn) 

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