Trigger Warning: discussion of abortion

Join Brody, Caitlin, and Jessi as they try to stay friends while talking about the timeline of a 17 year old TV show.  Highlights include:  mmm runny ketchup, evil Deb is here in full force, ill advised intervention guest lists, Hayley learns so much information in 30 seconds, an unwelcome reminder that Maxim exists, the early 2000’s were bad guys…, his final project is all over his hotel wall, Lion King logistics, no one with the last name Scott gets a motorcycle, that’s not how patient-doctor confidentiality works Danny!, not Dan Scott’s son thinking he’s invicible, …and I’m going to quote myself here…, uncomfortably timely plot points, the first selfie to ever exist, Rachel’s gonna Rachel, scary Derek intensifies, Chris Keller is getting thrown under the bus for a man who’s work is done, sorry dad!, you can’t bullshit a bullshitter, too many sociopaths live in this town, we think this lady might be a bad therapist, in what world is that wig PERFECT?, Brody revolts against the time line talk, and more!

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