TW: Death of a parent.

Join Brody, Caitlin, and Jessi as they recklessly drive with the top down during a hurricane.  Highlights include: sorry I was muted, almost worse than The Notebook, mini fridges full of beer and Sunkist, ill advised rooftop golf courses, taking a hard turn into breaking a flashlight over your boyfriend’s head, THIS CREEPY MOTHERFUCKER!, well maintained survival gear, some OG energy, read the room Tree Hill Hospital!, more poncho disrespect, swooning a whole lot, One Tree Hill High School the Series the Sing Along the Series, you just can’t make Dan sympathetic, lots of wet rain smooches, 3 out of 4 Scott brothers can give a great speech, hereditary reckless driving, questionable song choices, they are so good in the rain!, Mouth is the best character, he’s like a MAN now, getting freaky with meringue, flipping every table in the room, the least good montage, being ill-prepared for the tone shift  and more!

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