(TW: domestic violence)  

Join Brody, Caitlin, and Jessi as they deal with awkward feelings towards their wife’s sister.  Highlights include: Jessi knows this one!, Chad Michael Murray looks good in rain, season wrap on Chris Keller (hopefully), was JakeJake the original Edward Cullen?, bad tramp stamps run in the James family, Peyton’s signature line to get people in bed, Karen is having none of your shit, sorry Maria Menounos you deserve it, yeeting the ball into the river instead of playing with your brother, not enough red yarn to map out the timeline of the show, SHE IS ALWAYS DAMP!, Nathan is not having a good time, a very obvious MasterCard sponsorship, Jessi had her suspicions, Lucas needs a CAT scan!, when Brooke Davis is upset everyone else is upset too, pent up daddy energy, cruising craigslist for ways to ruin people’s lives, preying on people with life ruining medical debt, top tier sibling banter, Karen Roe and the no good very bad day, his eyes open from a brood to a swoon, we’re obsessed with us, and more!

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