Sex, particularly kinky sex, is still a taboo subject in our sex negative culture. We're not supposed to talk about it so we don't learn good communication skills around it. It's one of those things that is supposed to just kinda happen. We hang onto a lot of the messages we got about sex growing up and even those of us who consider ourselves very open about our sexuality still retain many of the hangups and shame feelings.

Learning to talk about what we want in the bedroom from the most vanilla of acts (vanilla is a delicious flavour, by the way) to the most deliciously deviant kinky acts we can think of can benefit us in many unexpected ways. When we learn to ask for what we want, we sometimes even get it.

On this episode of On The Wet Coast Flick Morrison and Kat Stark are joined by Stella Harris (@stellaerotica), intimacy educator and sex coach, author of Tongue Tied: Untangling Communication in Sex, Kink, and Relationships. Buy on Amazon


Buy Kat's new book Yelling In Pasties: The Wet Coast Confessions of an Anxious Slut at

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Music in this episode: Theme music - A Naked Gun: Bank Assault by Francesco D'Andrea

Episode music - Puzzle Pieces by Lee Rosevere

Technical Difficulty Music - Wavy Glass by PoddingtonBear


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