Butt stuff!

It’s not just anal sex anymore, but a whole spectrum of ass play. What’s the appeal and the fascination? In our lifetime, it’s gone from being a secret perversion to borderline mainstream, referenced and discussed in pop culture both frankly and humorously. And some people feel increasingly pressured to make anal sex part of their repertoire without even knowing if they really want to, let alone knowing how to do it safely and pleasurably.

Today On the Wet Coast Flick Morrison & Kat Stark discuss the why’s and what’s of butt stuff.

Buy Kat's brand new book Yelling In Pasties: The Wet Coast Confessions of an Anxious Slut at Amazon.com

Other books mentioned in the episode:
Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women - by Tristan Taormino
Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure - Charlie Glickman & Aislinn Emirzian

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Music in this episode: Theme music - A Naked Gun: Bank Assault by Francesco D'Andrea

Episode music - Puzzle Pieces by Lee Rosevere

Yelling In Pasties music: Buddy Guy - Podington Bear


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