In today’s On the SPOT News Brief, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke  catch up after a multi-month hiatus with Jay's move, and newborn son, and Craig's new job and summer plans. And they discuss their goals for the podcast and how hard it can be to find the motivation to record, edit, and release this. So thank you for putting up with us as we try to rebuild our cadence!

In technology they discuss news out of the SharePoint conference, GitHub, a sunken data center, Project Maven, WWDC, GDPR and those pesky privacy policies. They also put out a call for someone to help them understand what Apple has been doing for the past 5+ years - I mean, really, what's iNew?

Recorded June 16, 2018

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In today’s On the SPOT News Brief, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke  catch up after a multi-month hiatus with Jay’s move, and newborn son, and Craig’s new job and summer plans. And they discuss their goals for the podcast and how hard it can be to find the motivation to record, edit, and release this. So thank you for putting up with us as we try to rebuild our cadence!

In technology they discuss news out of the SharePoint conference, GitHub, a sunken data center, Project Maven, WWDC, GDPR and those pesky privacy policies. They also put out a call for someone to help them understand what Apple has been doing for the past 5+ years – I mean, really, what’s iNew?

If you have a topic you want us to discuss ping us on Twitter to let us know!

Full Transcript

Jay Leask: – 00:14 – Today is June 16, 2018. This is Jay Leask, and you’re listening to On The SPOT.

Craig Jahnke: – 00:20 – Hey, with Jay, this is Craig Jahnke for the Speed of Technology podcast. It’s been a while, Jay. Sorry, I thought when you were starting this that you were doing the testing things, so I-

Jay Leask: – 00:30 – No, no, no. There’s no need to test. We’re pros at this.

Craig Jahnke: – 00:32 – That’s why I was trying to demo my Spanish, and I could count to ten.

Jay Leask: – 00:37 – No, hey, I’m going to start out by apologizing. I’ve got a brand-new laptop, so my hardware’s running great, but I’m in a new house, so I don’t have my setup. I’m using the cheap little microphones on my headset, I’m sure the quality is crap.

Craig Jahnke: – 00:51 – Well, it sounds good to me.

Jay Leask: – 00:52 – Yeah, yeah, we’ll see what happens when I check the audio, and it picks up every click and clop and everything in the background. But Craig, to the listeners, Craig and I were just talking about the podcast and the goal of the podcast, and what we enjoy doing, and what we don’t. It occurred to both of us that we should really be recording this, because it was more of a conversation about technology than anything else. To bring us up to speed, I think, maybe reiterate, I think I speak for both of us when I say I really enjoy doing this. I enjoy talking with you about technology. But it is hard to motivate in between … What has it been, four months since we last sat down to do this?

Craig Jahnke: – 01:34 – Well, that was a … I won’t say the motivation wasn’t there. I think for you there was a child. There was a move. There were other things that were probably more important in life in general. But you have your own little motivational quirks and stuff, so you tell me if that isn’t the case.

Jay Leask: – 01:53 – No, that is also true. I do have a one-month-old … No, a two-month-old in the other room right now with my wife and the almost six-year-old. She’ll be six in two weeks. Ah geez, she’ll be six in 10 days, eight days, yeah, no, eight, 10, 12, somewhere in there, about two weeks.

Jay Leask: – 02:12 – We’ve got all the activities she does. Right now she’s doing swim and dance and taekwondo. In taekwondo, she’s auditioning for the demo team, which if you’re on my Facebook-

Craig Jahnke: – 02:12 – I saw that.

Jay Leask: – 02:23 – … I posted the video of her demo team in Reston Town Center today, they did a 15-minute presentation. I’m super-proud of her. She’s the youngest person to ever audition for demo team, and if she gets in, she’ll obviously be the youngest person to ever do it for them which is amazing. But I digress, you’re right. I’ve been super-busy and with that for me, I feel like it’s a motivation thing. At 8:30, 9:00 PM, the last thing I want to do is sit in front a computer for an hour, even if it is shooting the shit about technology. Right, and so, to go on that in case our listeners don’t know, because I don’t think we’ve talked about it, but I’ve got a seven and eight-year-old girls myself. For the summer, they’re going … They’ve been doing swimming lessons. They just tried out for a play, for The Little Mermaid.

Jay Leask: – 03:09 – Oh, cool.

Craig Jahnke: – 03:10 – Yeah, they’re going to be going to vacation Bible school. They have a dance, dance, dance, dance not competition, what do they call those? Camps, so dance camp, and then they’ll have play practice for most of the summer. Then my eight-year-old is starting orchestra and learning how to play the cello, so-

Jay Leask: – 03:26 – Oh, yay.

Craig Jahnke: – 03:26 – … she will have cello camp at the end of the summer. It’s a lot of things, and then you’re right. You get to ten o’clock, and it’s … You get home from work, and where’s the motivation?

Jay Leask: – 03:37 – I like how you get to ten o’clock. We don’t even get there. My daughter … The eldest is in bed at around nine o’clock, eight thirty, nine o’clock, and if we get to ten o’clock, it’s purely because the younger one is screaming and needs us to be walking around. I lose track of time.

Craig Jahnke: – 03:52 – Then we’re talking, what do we want this podcast to be? I don’t think that we’ve quite found that niche. We’re trying to … We like talking about the new segments, and what’s going in the world. Then we like talking about technology, but we don’t really know .. There’s tons of podcasts out there for guys who are really deep in the weeds technologists. I don’t think that’s where we want to play, and it’s not what I enjoy talking to. But, yet, we’d like to be CIO-level, but I don’t necessarily know that those people are even listening or that we add that much value. You get in there. Then in the course of my day job, I’m still doing consulting and that kind of stuff, and it’s just working really hard to keep up with the technology that we’re talking … That’s when we decided to start recording.

Jay Leask: – 04:40 – Yeah, that’s the last … I think I cut you off twice when we were doing this conversation earlier. But the one that really hit me … then I was like, “No, we need to be recording this.” Because you’re absolutely right, if we were to try and keep up with everything that’s going on in Office 365 … I envy the people who can do that. But there is so much in the Office 365 realm, let alone trying to add to it … It’s competition of what’s going on in the Amazon Cloud, or what’s going on with whatever private vendors are out there trying to build a cloud solution. It’s just insane to try and keep up with all that technology.

Craig Jahnke: – 05:15 – Right, and so at work … Oh, by the way, since we last recorded, I’ve switched jobs. I’m no longer at AvePoint. I’m at Concurrency, so it’s a consulting firm in the Chicago region. Chicago, we have Milwaukee, Minneapolis, so it’s a smaller law firm, or not a law firm, consulting firm. Jesus. I’ve switched careers.

Jay Leask: – 05:33 – I didn’t know you switched to law.

Craig Jahnke: – 05:34 – I switched total careers.

Jay Leask: – 05:35 – Congratulations on passing the bar.

Craig Jahnke: – 05:38 – One of the discussions I was having with our training person was around certifications that maybe I want to get. Because it looks good to Microsoft, be a Microsoft partner and those kinds of things, and when you’re selling yourself. Obviously, for what I do, the office ones made sense, right? Office 365, but then there’s other certifications that I was looking at like Power BI. I started reading a book about predictive analytics, and you start talking about machine language and-

Jay Leask: – 06:07 – Yes, the machine learning stuff that’s happening out there is blowing my mind.

Craig Jahnke: – 06:11 – I can’t talk today, because it is machine learning and not machine language, two totally different things.

Jay Leask: – 06:18 – I had a feeling I knew what you meant to say.

Craig Jahnke: – 06:19 – Yeah, you picked it up. Liking the predictive analytics book, it’s by Eric Siegel. He wrote it a few years ago. Really good book, really interesting read, it’s an introduction to predictive analytics. It just talks more case studies and that kind of stuff as opposed to statistical predictive analytics. It’s for everybody who … You don’t need to have a business background … You don’t need to have the deep statistical mathematic background to get it. It just talks about different ways that companies … I think it’s got 80 use cases in there. That companies have taken data, formulated it, and made improvements to their business process. One of the things that I took out of it that I’ve gotten to … Granted, I’m only through chapter 2, but it doesn’t take a whole lot to make big improvements. If you are doing … One of the examples is if you’re doing a direct mail marketing campaign, and it’s costing you $200 per user to create that and send it out, or per person, to send it out, and you get a 2% response rate … If you can do something with your analytics to better target a smaller audience, so instead of maybe 10,000, you target 75,000, and you get a 3% return, you can … The numbers he was using changed what you were profiting before from like 250,000 to a million. It’s the-

Jay Leask: – 07:50 – Just being a little bit smarter about what you’re trying to do.

Craig Jahnke: – 07:54 – It’s just a little bit of small … [inaudible 00:07:55] was other examples that get into different things. But it’s small improvements make a big difference over time is basically what I’m taking out of it. We do Office 365 and stuff like that, and I think a lot of companies … Microsoft has done a great job of selling it, right?

Jay Leask: – 08:16 – Oh, yeah.

Craig Jahnke: – 08:17 – It looks cool when you watch the commercial. I had a customer tell me that they rolled it out, and their employees were like, “Well, this isn’t like the commercial.” They want to make it a little bit more like the commercial, but one of the things is I think it’s teaching that okay, if we can just take what they were doing and make them a little bit more productive over time, that’s a big savings to the company, right?

Jay Leask: – 08:42 – Oh, yeah.

Craig Jahnke: – 08:43 – I don’t think that it has to necessarily be the overnight success like you went from having a … I don’t know, a 1970 VW to a Ferrari. It’s like a change like that … doesn’t have to be that drastic to do a lot for your customers or do a lot for your employees.

Jay Leask: – 09:09 – That was quite the tangent we just went down.

Craig Jahnke: – 09:11 – Yeah, I don’t know. That’s what I’m starting to look into and start … I was starting to go with Office 365 and looking ways to help customers … They always talk about user adoption too. Everyone wants that. That’s the big thing.

Jay Leask: – 09:24 – Oh, yeah.

Craig Jahnke: – 09:25 – Instead of looking for these big home runs that everybody wants to get, maybe you get a few singles and doubles and move your runners along type of thing, going baseball now because it’s summer, and I want to be in a different tangent. Yeah, well, the predictive analytics had the Moneyball reference in there too.

Jay Leask: – 09:43 – Oh my god.

Craig Jahnke: – 09:45 – We’re all over the place.

Jay Leask: – 09:46 – No, I’m with you on that. When it comes to trying to find success with Office 365. I think I talked about this in one of our series about moving in the cloud, is don’t try and get everything in there. Find one thing, find a small process that you can move to Office 365. Pilot that out with the users you know will be willing to try and learn new software, and I bet you’ll be much more successful with that than you will be trying to migrate 10 terabytes of 20 years worth of data into a system without organizing it, without trying to teach your people on what to do, without using the tools for the best things that they can provide you.

Jay Leask: – 10:28 – Let’s rewind a little bit. The reason we’re even having this conversation is trying to figure out, what do we want to do with the podcast? What is your goal when it comes to doing this?

Craig Jahnke: – 10:28 – I don’t know what it is, right now.

Jay Leask: – 10:28 – That’s fair.

Craig Jahnke: – 10:43 – I think we could take a step back and think about it, but I think one of the good things about it is, we like doing it, right?

Jay Leask: – 10:48 – Yeah.

Craig Jahnke: – 10:49 – Hopefully, our listeners will continue to listen to us rant. I think over the next couple week’s or month’s podcasts that we start to work on “fine-tweaking” it and getting it into what we want it to be. We don’t know what it’s going to be at the end of it, but if we can make each one just a little better by maybe picking a subject and being a little bit more prepared, we can have some good stuff over time.

Jay Leask: – 11:09 – I like how you’ve gone full circle. This is back into the machine … the analytics and machine learning.

Craig Jahnke: – 11:14 – The machine learning and the predictive analytics.

Jay Leask: – 11:16 – We are machine learning little by little trying to change ourselves. No, I like that.

Jay Leask: – 11:20 – I think the first step is just trying to stop being something. We’re going to stop trying to be the CIO-level. We’re going to definitely not try to be the IT-pro podcast, because the ones that are out there are amazing. But let’s take a step back towards the news in the … “the news you can use,” so to speak, or “the brews and news” if you’ve got a beer in front of you and talk a little bit about what’s been interesting to us over the last month or so.

Craig Jahnke: – 11:49 – Right, and I do like the beer … Before we started talking, Jay brought up “brews and news,” so we could have beers and just talk about what’s going on. We may actually play with that for a little. Because then we could go … If we were near each other, we could go out to different brew pubs and-

Jay Leask: – 12:04 – Yes.

Craig Jahnke: – 12:04 – … record live and just grab strangers and go, “Hey, what do you think about Office 365?” And then get a dumb stare or a blank stare.

Jay Leask: – 12:11 – By the way, it’s highly … The sponsors of this podcast, the few that there are, mostly myself and Craig, do not recommend grabbing random strangers. I just needed to put that little legal disclaimer out there.

Craig Jahnke: – 12:22 – Yeah, there’s another way I could have gone with that, but … I didn’t mean physically grab them but just ask them over.

Jay Leask: – 12:30 – Craig, we’re about 10, 12 minutes into a ranting podcast, do you want to talk about anything that’s happened in the last month with regards to technology or personal changes if you want to go a little deeper in to that. That has been interesting to you?

Craig Jahnke: – 12:45 – Yeah, interesting stuff that’s been coming out. Microsoft, as you know, they’re continuously improving their Office 365 suite and Office SharePoint. One of the interesting things, I guess that came out of the SharePoint conference not too long ago was that there is going to be an on-premise 2019 version. They’re going to try to incorporate as many features that is currently in the cloud in that, so there’s something. It’s nice to know that they’re building strong on the SharePoint brand. I saw that in Teams, they added the waffle to the menu, so you can get to the other Office 365 apps from Teams which is relatively new.

Jay Leask: – 13:25 – I’m literally looking at Teams right now. Where is it?

Craig Jahnke: – 13:28 – It should be in the upper left-hand corner.

Jay Leask: – 13:30 – Oh, you’re in Teams online, aren’t you?

Craig Jahnke: – 13:32 – Yes, I am in Teams online.

Jay Leask: – 13:34 – Oh, okay.

Craig Jahnke: – 13:34 – Not from the desktop client.

Jay Leask: – 13:36 – Not from the … I was excited. I’m like, yes.

Craig Jahnke: – 13:38 – Oh, you know what they were going to add to Teams, and I don’t know if it’s a client … but the ability to record from Teams.

Jay Leask: – 13:47 – Dude, yes.

Craig Jahnke: – 13:47 – You haven’t been able to do that, and transcribe, I believe, was going to be something new.

Jay Leask: – 13:52 – The Teams, Microsoft Teams, which if you’re not using it yet, and you are an Office 365 subscriber, a business subscriber, I definitely recommend checking it out. There’s a ton of material out there for making it successful. My organization uses it exclusively in our federal area. To this start recording, there is now a start recording option. It says preview next to it. We tried it in a meeting the other day. Our boss was showing off a deck he’s been creating. He recorded it, and he shared the link. Because it’s a preview, it didn’t actually record the screen share. It just recorded the audio. We’re like, “Aw, man, so close, so close.”

Craig Jahnke: – 14:32 – It almost works. Oh, the other big news that came out was that Microsoft decided to buy GitHub, so-

Jay Leask: – 14:32 – Yes.

Craig Jahnke: – 14:39 – … that was huge for the development world. For people who don’t know, GitHub is a big repository and sharing platform for code and things that happen to go on in developer land. Microsoft taking that over, some people thought it was really great, because Microsoft has been making that move to open source and been putting … one of the biggest contributors to GitHub in recent years. Some other people saw it as Microsoft trying to dominate the world of development. Anybody who wasn’t a Microsoft fan just was another reason for them to hate it.

Jay Leask: – 15:15 – Another big thing that came out of Microsoft over the last three, four weeks or so, is Microsoft sunk a data center, an experimental data center, off the shores of Orkney in Scotland.

Craig Jahnke: – 15:25 – Yeah, I heard it hit an iceberg.

Jay Leask: – 15:27 – That was sarcasm, right?

Craig Jahnke: – 15:28 – Come on, it was good.

Jay Leask: – 15:30 – It’s not-

Craig Jahnke: – 15:30 – That was good.

Jay Leask: – 15:31 – … like they called it the Titanic, too soon, man.

Craig Jahnke: – 15:33 – They didn’t sink it?

Jay Leask: – 15:36 – But no, seriously, this is a really neat experiment. They put the computers in a vacuum. One of the things they cited was they were able to take … I seriously … Even today having read a couple of different articles about this, I’m like this has to be an April Fool’s joke. But they put it in a vacuum. One of the things they’re citing is that by removing the oxygen and most of the water vapor, they’re reducing corrosion. They’re also assuming that by putting it under water, they’re going to be able to significantly reduce the cost of cooling the computers. Of course, if one of the hard drives or motherboards or processors or whatever fries, you can’t just easily go swap it out. That needs to be worked on a little bit. This is a really neat experiment.

Jay Leask: – 16:25 – With all the money that’s being spent on data centers in the DC area … They’re literally going up everywhere I turn.

Craig Jahnke: – 16:32 – Yeah, they’re putting a couple of them up by me.

Jay Leask: – 16:34 – Yeah, yeah.

Craig Jahnke: – 16:35 – Those and Amazon distribution centers are coming out here too.

Jay Leask: – 16:38 – Yeah, for the same-day … DC is a same-day shipping experiment for Amazon which is crazy just randomly get like, “Oh, I need a new mouse.” It will be here by eight o’clock. Cool. Those were some interesting things that I saw.

Craig Jahnke: – 16:55 – Did you see your emails get flooded on May 25th for any reason, Jay?

Jay Leask: – 16:58 – Oh yeah, and the week preceding. You and I have talked about GDPR, the General Data Protection Act. We talked about that a bunch. If you’re listening to us-

Craig Jahnke: – 17:06 – Most people call it the General Data Protection Regulation, but Jay-

Jay Leask: – 17:09 – Oh, did I say act?

Craig Jahnke: – 17:09 – He calls it the act. The GDPA?

Jay Leask: – 17:13 – The GD-PA. No, but we’ve talked about it a bunch. Clearly-

Craig Jahnke: – 17:18 – They could have called it that. They just should have called it grandpa. That would have been awesome.

Jay Leask: – 17:22 – Oh, god. This is why people don’t listen to us. No, I’m …

Jay Leask: – 17:27 – Yes, the inboxes have flooded, and it’s funny … It’s been two or three weeks now since that initial tranche of, “We’ve updated our privacy notice to meet the GDPR regulations … ” But every once in a while I’ve jumped into a new app or an app that I haven’t look at in months and months and months, and it is … It’s got it’s little, “Oh, we updated our privacy notice.”

Craig Jahnke: – 17:53 – I hate the having to accept cookies in every [crosstalk 00:17:55]-

Jay Leask: – 17:55 – On every website you go to.

Craig Jahnke: – 17:58 – Yeah.

Jay Leask: – 17:58 – You know what? As much as I hate to do it, we hear a lot about transparency and technology, at least they’re telling us this stuff. Now if they could just tell it to us in non-legalese, in plain language, like, “Hey, we’re capturing your shit, and this is what we’re doing with it.”

Craig Jahnke: – 18:15 – I actually heard that there was … I can’t remember. It was the … There was somebody that’s already facing a fine on it, and I can’t remember who it was.

Jay Leask: – 18:21 – Ooh, bring that to us next week. I’m definitely curious.

Craig Jahnke: – 18:24 – I saw it in passing when I was flipping through some stuff-

Jay Leask: – 18:27 – Okay.

Craig Jahnke: – 18:27 – … but, yeah.

Jay Leask: – 18:27 – The other thing I thought was really interesting, so switching away from Microsoft a little bit … If you use Microsoft, if you use Google products, if you use Apple products, you have to know that they’re also working with the federal government. Google has …

Craig Jahnke: – 18:47 – You mean it’s going to break and not do anything then?

Jay Leask: – 18:49 – No.

Craig Jahnke: – 18:49 – Sorry.

Jay Leask: – 18:50 – I’m not even responding to that. Google has been … We’re doing some work with artificial intelligence in the Pentagon, and they made the news in April when thousands of their employees signed a petition calling for them to cease the work on what’s called Project Maven. I’ll quote a little bit, it says, “We believe that Google should not be in the business of war. Therefore, we ask that Project Maven,” the Google project, “be canceled … or in the Google draft publicize and enforce a clear policy stating that neither Google nor it’s contractors will ever build warfare technology.”   It’s really interesting. The response to this whole thing has been this is non-offensives technology. There is an argument for building technology to defend yourself against both physical and cyber warfare. But I don’t know, it’s … If you are user of their commercial products, and you are pacifist or anti-war or whatever language you want to use to whatever degree of not wanting to be in a war you are, would that affect your desire to use their tools? I think it’s a pretty neat thought process that I seriously-

Craig Jahnke: – 20:00 – Nice.

Jay Leask: – 20:00 – … have no response to it.

Craig Jahnke: – 20:01 – I got nothing to go with that, sorry. I do have … Because, sorry, I got sidetracked, and you started talking about Google, and things that they’re doing. I thought the Facebook one was really interesting. Have you seen some of their ads lately? They’re talking about how their going to try to be basically better citizens and filter out some of the fake news and other things that are going on [inaudible 00:20:21]. Because as their commercial says kind of vaguely, it’s like, “Oh, we created this for sharing, for family and friends,” and then somehow it started to get corrupted, and people were doing things to promote other points of views, whether it’s far-right, far-left, or whatever. I’m sitting there going, yeah, somehow that happened. You had no idea that that was happening. It’s your platform. Come on. You’re selling ads. That’s your biggest-

Jay Leask: – 20:50 – Let me respond to that even more. Somehow, not to be anticapitalist, but money, we wanted money, so we started selling-

Craig Jahnke: – 20:58 – Yes.

Jay Leask: – 20:58 – … your data.

Craig Jahnke: – 21:00 – How did that happen? I have no idea.

Jay Leask: – 21:00 – Shocking right there.

Craig Jahnke: – 21:01 – You know what? If they’d have just come out and said, “We were selling … We were trying to … We have expenses. We’re trying to make money. We just may have made some bad choices. We’re going to ratchet that down and monitor who we’re selling it to and get your permission as part of GDPR,” or something like that. That would have been better to me.  But the fact that they just play it off as, “Somehow things starting going wrong.” They didn’t know how it happened, but they’re going to fix it.

Jay Leask: – 21:29 – Yeah, we’ll see how that comes out. Listen, don’t get me wrong, I love Facebook. It allows me to keep in touch with my siblings and my family and friends from high school that I would literally have no idea even who they were if I hadn’t connected to them on Facebook again. But the idea that they’re going to fix this easily and carefully, I don’t know.  I apologize for my voice Craig, I … One of the reasons, we … You know … Well, I’m saying this for the listeners more than you. I’ve been trying to get this back on the road for about a month … Two weeks ago, we went to sit down and record, and I lost my voice. It’s still-

Craig Jahnke: – 22:08 – It’s still going?

Jay Leask: – 22:08 – It’s still-

Craig Jahnke: – 22:10 – You’ve got stop the smoking-

Jay Leask: – 22:11 – It’s still not there 100%.

Craig Jahnke: – 22:14 – Sitting on the couch eating bonbons, I know.

Jay Leask: – 22:19 – I’ll think about it. I’ll think about it. I’m going to … We’ve talked about Google. We’ve talked about Amazon. We’ve talked about Microsoft. I don’t know that we have talked about Amazon, but we’ve talked about Microsoft and Google a bunch. I just want to throw this out there. Because also in the news over the last month or so, Apple had its worldwide developer conference. We don’t talk about Apple a lot. I mostly make fun of it, because I haven’t seen Apple do anything that I would call truly innovative in what? Five, eight, ten years almost since … They came out with the iPhone, and what have they done? They’ve made a new iPhone. They made a big iPhone, slightly smaller iPhone.

Craig Jahnke: – 22:57 – Yeah, it’s bigger iPhone slightly different. I just want a back button. Give me a back button.

Jay Leask: – 23:05 – I will say this, I would welcome someone who is a true, not a lover of iPhones and Mac technology, not a fanboy, but someone who can actually come in and tell us, what has Apple done in the last five to ten years? Help me understand what they’ve really done in that time to improve the space.

Jay Leask: – 23:28 – Not just … I get it, they have reliable hardware. They have reliable OSes. They’ve been under the radar when it comes to viruses and such. They haven’t been the number one target, so they’ve been able to say, “Look how virus-free we are.” I get it. But really, what is Apple doing that is moving the space forward in some way? I want someone to come on and spend 10 minutes with me and talk to me about it.

Craig Jahnke: – 23:55 – The only people I know that are … Well, there’s the people that just love Apple products. But there’s graphic designers and those kind of people. The only ones that I know that really use Apple products. They do have great graphic programs. The graphic programs that are out there work much better on a Mac in theory than they do on a window device, so that is the only thing that I know of.

Craig Jahnke: – 24:15 – But again I live in the Microsoft space. I play in the Microsoft space. We do some Amazon-type stuff when we talk to customers. We do some Google stuff occasionally when we talk to customers. Nobody’s really asked us to do much Apple stuff unless it’s graphics.

Jay Leask: – 24:30 – Sure, and, really, even there it’s consumer-based, it’s not enterprise-based.

Craig Jahnke: – 24:35 – Right, they just want them to be able to have the Apple apps available to log into some kind of thing. If you can do it for an Android, you can do it for an Apple-

Jay Leask: – 24:44 – There you go, to our about 13 regular listeners, well, who were regular listeners when we had a regular podcast, I challenge you to come on the show and talk to us about what Apple is doing to move the space forward. Not so I can … It’s not … I don’t want to fight with you about it. I really want to understand.

Craig Jahnke: – 25:03 – Yeah, no, I’m not … I don’t want to fight with anybody. I just want to learn more, and maybe what I should be learning.

Jay Leask: – 25:10 – As much as I have actually really enjoyed this conversation, and hopefully, at least one or two other people, not our wives, also-

Craig Jahnke: – 25:18 – Oh, my wife hasn’t listened to it yet.

Jay Leask: – 25:22 – But I … As you can tell, my voice is getting worse and worse, and it’s harder and harder for me to keep going, so I’m looking to call it-

Craig Jahnke: – 25:22 – All righty.

Jay Leask: – 25:32 – … quits for the night.

Craig Jahnke: – 25:32 – Well, it is a Saturday night, and tomorrow there’s Father’s Day, so I hope you have some good things-

Jay Leask: – 25:37 – Happy Father’s Day.

Craig Jahnke: – 25:38 – Happy Father’s Day to you. I hope you have some good plans.

Jay Leask: – 25:41 – I don’t really know what my plans are. I guess we’ll have to go talk about that.

Craig Jahnke: – 25:45 – I am going to see the Incredibles 2.

Jay Leask: – 25:47 – Aw.

Craig Jahnke: – 25:51 – I don’t know if it’s good, but it seems like it should be incredible, right?

Jay Leask: – 25:54 – Wow, wah-wah. I want to go see it. I may still put it on our to-do list. But I really want to go see it at the local Alamo Drafthouse, which if you have an Alamo Drafthouse in your area, it is the best movie theater experience, I think. The problem is they don’t allow anyone under three period, end of story, and we have a new-born. We won’t be going there, darn it.

Craig Jahnke: – 26:18 – I have not heard of them, so I will have-

Jay Leask: – 26:21 – All right. I got to go.

Craig Jahnke: – 26:24 – All right.

Jay Leask: – 26:26 – Hopefully-

Craig Jahnke: – 26:26 – Take care and see you next time.

Jay Leask: – 26:28 – Yeah, I was going to say, let’s try and do this again next week. I think this was … I really enjoyed this.

Jay Leask: – 26:30 – This episode brought to you by Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke. Two guys who like to talk technology and live in a connected world. The opinions expressed in the podcast are those of the speakers only, and in no way do they represent the opinions of their employers, their customers, or their wives. This has been an On The SPOT Podcast Production.

Craig Jahnke: – 27:00 – That’s a wrap.

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