Today’s guest has spent almost two decades building companies focused on delivering innovative approaches to leadership and organizational development.

She has served as a CEO and key decision-maker, a board member for national organizations, a sought after consultant helping organizations plan and implement strategy, and a leadership development content creator assisting individuals and organizations as they grow and train their workforce. She has also been a key partner to corporations, nonprofits and philanthropic institutions including TSNE MissionWorks where she currently sits as the President of the Board of Directors.

A major focus of her work is to provide leadership and workforce development executive coaching, consulting and training focused on Gen Z. This work will be featured in “Looking Forward: Finding Your Leadership Path” a book she will release in 2021.

Please join me in welcoming Tammy Dowley-Blackman.

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In this episode we discuss:

her thoughts on leadership: “Leadership is the idea of wanting to make an impact. A leader cannot be described in one way.”
how she discovered the joy of leadership at a math and science camp when she was 14 years old and how she is still in contact with the director of that camp.
the impact her mom had on her life and her mindset which set her up for success at a young age.
what she learned while working at the Brooklyn Academy of Music about community development and leadership development.
her networking tip with an easy ask for her connections and how it helped her land her first two clients before her company even opened. Networking does not need to be only transactional.
how she rebuilt and adapted her business model during a difficult health crisis.
her rule for networking: If they come to mind once, it means you’re thinking of them. If they come to mind again, say hello!


Tammy Dowley-Blackman on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Books mentioned in this episode:

“Looking Forward: Finding Your Leadership Path” by Tammy Dowley-Blackman (releases early 2021)

About Robbie:
Robbie Samuels is a keynote speaker, TEDx speaker, and relationship-based business strategy coach who has been recognized as a “networking expert” by Harvard Business Review Ascend, Forbes, Lifehacker, and Inc and as an "industry expert in the field of digital event design" by JDC Events.

He created The 5% Advantage Program, a four-week experiential program that helps presenters grow in their confidence with Zoom, online facilitation, and virtual event design so they can reduce their tech angst and host more engaging online experiences that meet the purpose of the convening and participants' need for content and connection.

He is the host of #NoMoreBadZoom Virtual Happy Hour, a popular weekly virtual event that explores new ways to design engaging virtual experiences. He assists organizations with bringing their in-person events strategically online as a Virtual Event Design Consultant, Virtual Emcee, and Zoom Producer.

He is the author of the best-selling business book Croissants vs. Bagels: Strategic, Effective, and Inclusive Networking at Conferences and has been profiled in the Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and Fast Company. He writes for Harvard Business Review Ascend. His clients include associations, women's leadership summits, and corporations including Marriott, AmeriCorps, Hostelling International, and General Assembly.

He has been featured in several books including Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It by Dorie Clark and The Connector’s Advantage: 7 Mindsets to Grow Your Influence and Impact by Michelle Tillis Lederman. He has guest lectured at many leading educational institutions including Harvard Un...