Every so often, we hit a wall and need to reset. Things feel stagnant, or too routine, or not in alignment with our values any longer. Maybe we stayed still too long, or maybe we got off track. But resets just need to happen sometimes. And Lianna Lee knew she needed one this summer, which is why she quit her job, changed her apartment, and hit the road for a month all at the same time. Without a back-up plan or a financial safety net. Some might call is scary. Others might call it irresponsible. But for Lianna-- and probably for you at some point, too-- it was completely necessary.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

How Lianna made her month-long road trip workWhat she would do differently if she were to do the trip againThe freedom of social pressures while traveling on the road,
especially physical appearanceLianna’s thoughts on privilege and access to National ParksHow Lianna knew she needed to leave a stable career path for
something newThe logistical challenges Lianna encountered as she prepared for this
big life resetWhat it means to Lianna to be a Chinese American adoptee, especially
in the outdoorsHow Lianna’s experience as an adoptee and a person of color shows up
in the outdoors as well as on the roadA few of the ways Lianna’s reset facilitated her own metamorphosis

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Follow Lianna's adventures on Instagram: [@skywaterwind] 6Want to hear more from the perspective of adoptees? Lianna recommends [Gazillion Voices] 7.Join the On the Road, Our Way Facebook Group!

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Episodes air weekly on Fridays-- subscribe wherever you listen so you never miss an episode. Follow along with Laura Borichevsky on Instagram (@howsheviewsit) and see more of her work through her website, How She Views It.

Music is by Jenny Berkel.

Music is also by Jason Shaw and Hyson via Free Music Archive using a CC by A license.

A production of Ravel Media