Cecelia Otto (AKA - Cece) is a classically trained singer, composer, and author. In 2013, she completed her Kickstarter-funded cross-country musical journey titled, - An American Songline - performing 30 concerts of vintage music on venues along the Lincoln Highway, America’s first transcontinental road. She has written a book and recorded an album based on these travels, and will be back in the studio recording a new album of World War One music later this year which will be released in 2017. She is also an in-demand crowdfunding consultant and speaker, and will be publishing a book in 2016 titled - The Ten Commandments of Crowdfunding. She loves sharing America’s history through song, and when she is not on the road lives in Portland, Oregon. Website: www.americansongline.net Social Media Links: https://www.facebook.com/americansongline, https://twitter.com/Am_Songline, https://www.youtube.com/user/AmericanSongline, Instagram: @americansongline

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