Ward Jarvis is a Mental Performance Coach on the PGA TOUR. He burst onto the scene in 2018 when he began working with Brendan Todd - at the time Todd was ranked 2045 in the Official World Golf Rankings. Under Jarvis's tutelage and coaching Brendon Todd won twice and ascended as high as 39th in the world. 

Ward Jarvis's battles with stuttering drove him from being a firefighter to studying Neuroscience.  His studies and research helped him develop the know-how and tools to overcome his stutter. He applied those principles to life and his lifelong passion, golf, and took to advising golfers at the highest level. 

In this podcast Ward predominantly addresses dealing with the Yips, and the "Big Miss" off the Tee. He also looks into the Future of Practice and how it can become more holistic and effective. 

In so doing he talks about the human responses of Fight, Flight or Freeze as a reaction to challenges.

He also addresses the "Periodic Loss of Automatic Ability" and how it pertains to golf, and discusses dealing with the " Mental State of Discomfort due to Uncertainty".

Jarvis then shares skills and drills to deal with adverse and testing situations. He shares "Memory Real-time Inputs". He identifies Challenges and How to Work Around Them. He explains "Discomfort Levels" and How to Identify and Process them. And he looks into how to "Lock into Automatics" for Success and Developing Confidence on and off the Course.

Discover what your best performing self looks and sounds like, along with strategies that will improve your practice and performance from tee to green. Download and share this podcast now.