Phil Shomo has over 35 years experience coaching people. in a variety of arenas such as Business and Ministry, to navigate challenges more effectively.  He is now leading a thriving Sports Psychology endeavor that focusses on helping golfers to "fuel their mental tank" while "controlling controllables."

Phil has a Masters Degree in Transformation with a specialization in Personal Character Development.  He works with golfers of all skill levels including elite NCAA competitors from teams like Mississippi State University and Augusta University.  He joins #OntheMark to help you to improve your concentration and focus in practice and on the golf course.

Shomo exhibits his "Circles of Focus" as he talks about:

How to make sense of Mental Performance. How to improve your relationship with yourself. How much control you really have in every situation. How Focus is mental energy and mental energy is a limited commodity. How paying attention is transactional.

He then explains each Circle of Focus and how to use your mental energy effectively:

Circle of Concern - where a person has no control, Circle of Influence - where a person has some control, and Circle of Control - where a person has a lot of control.

This podcast is also available as a vodcast on YouTube.  Search and subscribe to Mark Immelman.