Dr. Mike Grevlos is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Sioux Falls in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He currently focuses his teaching in the areas of motivation and emotion, sport and exercise psychology.  Dr. Grevlos serves as a consultant to mental coaches and to PING GOLF. He is also the author of The Motivation Game: A Course on the Psychology of Golf Improvement.

Mike joins #OntheMark to discuss the concept of Practice, the Motivation to Practice and the Mindset Required to make it productive.

He specifically delves into the following areas:

Maintaining unified goals on course and in practice,

Avoiding goal conflict,

Self-awareness to be mentally attune to goal-setting,

Viewing Trouble with a neutral mindset for success.

He also describes the goals required to make practice productive. He elaborates on the concept of the "Need for Competence" as an intrinsic human desire and its effect on performance, the principle of "Optimal Challenge" and the Gold Standard of Practice.

This podcast is also available as a vodcast on youtube. Subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/@MarkImmelman