Dr. Luke Benoit's recognition as a renowned coach is the result of his player’s achievements.  His players and students have won hundreds of professional, collegiate, and junior golf tournaments and their success has propelled Luke to become recognized as one of the industry's best. 

Luke's encyclopedic knowledge of motor learning and biomechanics have also helped him become a "Coach of Coaches" and he joins #OntheMark to help you achieve your best.

In the podcast Dr. Benoit discusses:

Best Practices for Speed Training and Regimens,

Attentional Focus - specifically Internal and External Focus Patterns,

Attentional Capacity and Feedback,

A Practice Map for Efficient Practice and Preparation, 

Keys for Skill Practice and Technical Practice, and

Transfer Training to take your Practice to the Course and Competition.

Ramp up your practice and preparation. Download this podcast with Luke Benoit. (It is also available as a vodcast on YouTube.)