Andy Matthews is a former Professional Golfer and a winner on the Mackenzie (Canadian) Tour.  He is now a Pilot, and the Director of Golf Performance for Neuropeak Pro and he joins us to talk about the importance of good breathing and its influence on overall health, well-being, stress reduction and golf performance.

Andy delves into Precision (Diaphragmatic) Breathing and how it can can help you (1) Relax,  (2) Improve Muscle Function and prevent strain during exercise, (3) Increase Blood Oxygen levels, (4) Make it easier for your Body to Release Gas Waste from your Lungs, (5) Reduce Blood Pressure and (6) Lower Heart Rate.  As part of the Precision Breathing discussion Andy also contrasts Nasal and Mouth Breathing and their commensurate effects on the Nervous System.

He also talks about how proper breathing can improve Heart Rate Variability (HRV) which is a function of a balanced Autonomic Nervous System.  A higher HRV can lead to better Sleep, Enhanced Cognitive Performance, Increased Adaptability and Resiliency and a Better Stress Response.

All of these factors lead to better performance on and off the golf course and Andy talks about how Intentional Breathing can lead to an improved Physiological state and the ability to prepare for both powerful Drives and deft touch Greenside shots.

You have heard countless PGA TOUR professionals and coaches talk about breathing properly under pressure.  Thanks to Andy Matthews, and the Neuropeak Pro NTel Belt, you can know how to do so, practice properly and chart your improvement.

Also, take advantage of a special promo code to get a 1-Year Free Membership to the Neuropeak Training module with the purchase of the NTel Belt.  Code - OntheMark

This podcast is also available on YouTube. Search and subscribe to Mark Immelman.