In the darkest days of the Trump Whitehouse, the New York Times sold itself to the world as the last bastion of progressive ideals.

Within the pages of "The Old Grey Lady" , the NYT kept rigorous watch on the excesses and madness of the Trump administration and its impact on society, as well as opining about the importance of protecting workers, jobs and ending inequality.

So it might come as a shock to learn that The New York Times is running an aggressive anti-union campaign against its own workers.

Hamilton Nolan is a journalist who has ben writing about how The New York Times, like many so called progressive institutions talk a good game, but all too regularly act very differently.

Hamilton is our guest on this week's edition of "On the Job."

Read more from Hamilton Nolan: The New York Times is a reminder: good liberals often oppose unions


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*On the Job is made by Australian Unions.

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Sally Rugg - @sallyrugg

Francis Leach, ACTU - @SaintFrankly

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