In this conversation I connected with Sonja Blignaut. 

Originally a meteorologist, Sonja now partners with people who need to navigate, make sense of, and lead in uncertainty. She spans the boundaries of leadership, organisational development & change, strategy, risk, innovation, and marketing. In short, she works wherever there is complexity, which nowadays is more or less everywhere. 

Sonja is internationally recognised as an expert on Complexity, the Cynefin Framework, Waysfinding, and Complexity Fitness. She is certified in various individual and systemic coaching methods and a sought-after speaker, with experience at various conferences locally and internationally, including TedX. 

In this conversation we talked about crossing thresholds and the skills, capabilities, rituals, and mindsets are required to navigate transitions well?- inspired by this blog post that she shared recently that I’ll link to in the show notes. That post starts with the following quote by John O’Donohue:  

“At any time you can ask yourself: At which threshold am I now standing? At this time in my life, what am I leaving? Where am I about to enter? What is preventing me from crossing my next threshold? What gift would enable me to do it?” 

So I started out by asking her, at what threshold she is now standing and how it makes her feel? Enjoy! 


- The space of not knowing is where the growth happens 

- The hardest conversations we are avoiding the most are the ones with ourselves 

- The value of rituals in transitions and the need for containment  

- How much of my own life am I putting off until someday? 

- The time has come to cross - don’t let your life flow by without noticing