Meet my latest guest, Lesley Wells, on The Business of Entertainment which run every Thursday evening on Cape Talk.

Lesley Wells is a Cape Town based music manager and booking agent.

 Her career started in the corporate world in Johannesburg as a marketing, advertising, PR manager for a large insurance company.

In 1997, after returning to Cape Town, she joined forces with some former colleagues to form STARTRACKERS entertainment agency before buying them out in 1999.

STARTRACKERS was the first booking agency to launch a website showcasing the talent and the first agency to be run by non-musicians. 26 years later, as one of SA’s leading booking agents, STARTRACKERS continues to book artists, entertainment and speakers for blue chip corporates all over South Africa.

In 2005, after an approached by Mozambican Afro-jazz saxophonist, Moreira Chonguiça to fund the production of a demo of his original material, MORESTAR ENTERTAINMENT was born and the relationship with Moreira continues today. Today we have 8 albums in the catalogue, self funded and distributed and we own the rights to all the music.


MORESTAR ENTERTAINMENT records, publishes, distributes, and manages all things Moreira Chonguiça.

Social media handles

FB & IG – Startrackers

FB – MoreiraChonguicaMusic

IG – moreiramusic

T - LesleyWells61

[email protected]

[email protected]


+27 (0)83 702 8139