There are few as mighty as those who seek to democratize music for all. Meng Kuok is leading the way.

Music commentator Bob Lefsetz, like many major labels I have read comments from on the back of the recent Universal/Deezer deal, simply do not get or understand the Super Fan model that’s being successfully championed by BandLab. 60 million + subscribers and climbing confirms people love it.

Streaming pays from the very first play, yes at 0.0007 cents, but paid out they will be, if only when they hit a certain number, but that money stays theirs.

Secondly the Super Fan model, under the Deezer/Uni deal rewards active artists who curate and look to foster community with double income (0.0014) or quadruple (0.0028) in certain cases. Yes, it’s not a perfect model, but it puts the power back in the hands of the artists and their fans. 

I endorse it.