We spoke to Ryan Vrede this week on the Business of Entertainment on Thurs 21 Dec at 9pm on Cape Talk.

Engaging brilliant and thought provoking do listen please

Ryan Vrede is a journalist that cut his teeth in sport, which continues to form a big part of his professional portfolio.

He joined Habari Media as an intern in 2006, and, under the mentorship of some of the country’s preeminent sports writers, built a career covering rugby and cricket.

Vrede spent 17 years following the Springboks and Proteas, nationally and internationally, before shifting focus to launch a clutch of magazine and digital products.

He later left Habari Media to work as the creative director of a web design company, before returning in 2022, assuming a diverse role that includes overseeing motoring and travel across the company.

He is also part of the team that builds pitches for new business, as well as offering creative direction for existing clients.

Sport, however, remains his first love, with cricket in particular, a passion of his.

His commentary can be found on SA Cricket magazine’s digital platforms, while he can also be found on Twitter/X. (Ryan_Vrede) most likely scrapping with an egg avatar who has irritated him.