At The Match can only start its summer series in one place - at the eagerly-anticipated Women’s World Cup. In the first of two episodes from Nice in the tournament’s opening week, we’re at the meeting between fancied England and first-time finalists Scotland, with hoards of Brits descending on a sun-soaked Côte d’Azur. 

Andy talks to Deborah Dilworth of the FSA at the Fans Embassy, as she tells us about the challenges of ensuring a good time for all those fans and how looking out from supporters of the women’s game differs from the organisation’s role at a men’s tournament. Then, as the atmosphere builds, journalist and Scotland fan Gabriel Antoniazzi fills us in on how the women’s game is restoring national pride and about his hopes for what this World Cup will do for the women’s game.

At The Match episodes work on a standalone basis, but to catch up on Series 1 & 2, please search 'At The Match' in your podcast app.

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