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Next Episode: Episode 67: Pat Bell

Rob Schuetz is the President of Industrial Forestry Service (IFS), which is one of the largest natural resource consulting firms operating in British Columbia for the forestry, bioenergy, oil & gas, and mining sectors.

Rob is past-president of the Society of Consulting Foresters of British Columbia. He specializes in the analysis of fibre supplies throughout BC and Alberta and has spent over 25 years consulting to the natural resource industries.  

 In this regard he has undertaken due-diligence assessments of biomass fuel plans in support of over 50 proposed bioenergy projects; log supplies in support of sawmill acquisitions, economic assessments of the impact of a mountain pine beetle epidemic on timber supplies across Canada; delivered log cost optimization analysis to multiple delivery points and sawmill operating rate forecasts.   

Rob graduated with a B.Sc. in Forestry from the University of Toronto in 1987. 

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