Previous Episode: Episode 51: Kyle Sampson

Wesley Mitchell is a community difference-maker located in Prince George, British Columbia. He is one of the UHNBC Monday Night Drum Group founders,  a group of determined individuals who met outside the University Hospital of Northern British Columbia for 47 consecutive days after the global pandemic arrived in March 2020. These heroes provided inspiration and hope for hospital patients, frontline workers and healthcare staff.  

 Since then, Wesley and the UHNBC Traditional Drummers have been drumming outside the hospital every Monday evening  (over 130 consecutive weeks and counting!).  Wes continues to make an inspiring impact in  Prince George and various Northern BC communities and has been recognized by his peers on a local, provincial and federal level.  

Wesley spent most of his young adult years in the chaos of a life of addiction. He is now a voice of reason and guidance for those currently struggling with addiction or going through recovery.   

It took nine detox stays and attending 10 treatment centres before Wesley finally kicked his drug and alcohol addiction in 2017. He overdosed three times throughout those years of struggle. Wesley is the purest example of resilience, strength and never giving up.   

The message he sends through his drum outside the hospital every week is a strong one filled with hope, encouragement and compassion. 

 Follow along Wesley's current journey by visiting