Previous Episode: Episode 271: Ryan DeLena

Russ Jones helps simplify the complicated aspects of self-regulation disorders, offering easy-to-adopt solutions and providing the necessary accountability to ensure follow-through on those solutions. He is an educator at heart and an entertainer by nature, though he prefers a more relatable approach.

Russ helps people with ADHD get their lives together. He learned about his own ADHD, co-morbid depression, and other related conditions later in life, following a series of life-changing events.

After years of study, working with numerous professionals, and trying various approaches while navigating his own life, Russ has discovered what actually works. He offers his expertise as an integrative wellness coach and incorporates ADHD-specific coaching into his work with adults.

His greatest gift is his belief in others, helping them connect to their belief in themselves. He provides education, support through unique tools and structures tailored specifically to the individual, and daily accountability, which is vital in the beginning stages. Ultimately, individuals can learn to hold themselves accountable.

Russ currently lives within the ADHD Big Brother Community, where he encourages people to join and say hi. The ADHD Big Brother Community is the most affordable way to receive daily externalized accountability and be part of a growing group of individuals overcoming their ADHD hurdles. Inside the community, Russ gives and receives support daily, believing that community is one of the most important components of a well-managed ADHD life.

Russ believes there is no greater help than the power of an action-based support network. He created the ADHD Big Brother Community to leverage the power of an engaged community, collectively nudging each other forward. In this community, members can problem solve in a shame-free, judgment-free environment, focusing on action and success. See for yourself by joining the ADHD Big Brother Community.