Mandy runs an online coaching and digital product business helping ambitious ADHD'ers curb procrastination and confidently take action to claim the life they're dreaming of.

After being diagnosed with ADHD herself in the early 2000's at 14 and not getting a lot of answers, Mandy has spent the last 20-some years learning how to adapt neurotypical learning strategies to better support how the ADHD brain functions.

She first used these strategies to turn her school career around and go from barely getting into college to graduating Magna Cum Laude from East Carolina University; then she tested them in the corporate world where she landed 3 "dream jobs", earned 4 promotions in 8 years, doubled her corporate salary; and now- she's built a successful business from scratch despite the daily challenges of ADHD.

After quitting her 9-5 to pursue her own version of success and working with 70+ clients, Mandy is positive that despite the difficulties ambitious ADHD'ers are presented with, we are capable of ANYTHING with the right strategies in place! In her new guide, Procrastination Playbook, she shares 21 action steps to improve your relationship with procrastination, grow your confidence, and accomplish any goal you can dream of. Early bird pricing available until 6/14/24. For more info, check out @heymandybauer on Instagram.

When Mandy isn't inspiring her clients to go after the life they know they're meant for, she's probably throwing a tennis ball for her rescue doggy, Sunny, at a concert, or outside in nature!

She loves hiking, traveling, and spending time with the people she loves. Mandy lives in Philadelphia, PA, and can be found @heymandybauer everywhere else.