Dr. Gilly Kahn is a licensed clinical psychologist working in a private group practice in the Atlanta area. She specializes in individual and group therapy focusing on neurodiversity, anxiety, and depression in youth.

Gilly gravitated toward working with children and teens with ADHD and Autism because, in her opinion, there is no better or wiser company. She eventually connected the dots in her own life and received an adult diagnosis of ADHD.

Gilly is now writing a book about ADHD and has recently started blogging for ADDitude Magazine. She talks about the crossover between ADHD and migraines, as well as the impact of ADHD on emotional regulation.

Gilly also talks about the struggles to recognize and quantify ADHD in girls, and how her practice as a psychologist has changed since her diagnosis.

Learn more about Dr. Gilly at https://www.drgillykahn.com/