Previous Episode: Episode 179: James Bond

Allison (Allie) Seller teaches service-based entrepreneurs how to turn their coaching practice into a multi-six and seven-figure business while cutting work hours in half. Known for her success as a Personal Trainer, Health & Nutrition Coach, Allie understands what it takes to thrive in the industry and how hard it can be to grow a successful business without the right blueprint and aligned support. Inspired by wanting more freedom of time and location in her own life, having missed out on many of her four kids' significant events, Allie and her husband developed a unique system: streamlining processes, program development and a pricing structure aligned with program value and client results.Learn more at has spent more than half of her career helping people reach their transformation goals in health and wellness, physical fitness, nutrition and mindset. Now passionately aligning with other health-based entrepreneurs, supporting them on their journey to building multi-six-figure coaching businesses while doing so working half the time they were. She seeks to provide the most valuable and long-lasting mentor-mentee relationship. Helping clients achieve their goals and live their most abundant lives is one of her greatest rewards. Allie understands transformation can be done with much joy and in simplistic yet profound ways. Allie attended the Health Coach Institute and has worked within Canadian Pharmacy to further her understanding of proactive vs reactive health. Her extensive educational background includes the Transformational Coaching Method, HMBA Mastery Program and Advanced Nutrition Protocols; Infertility with Dr. Stephanie Daniel, Emotional Eating with Dr. Michelle May and Hormonal Imbalance with Dr. Anna Cabeca. Additionally, Allie completed McGill University’s online business development program. She is a lifelong learner who takes great pride and joy in continually seeking knowledge and education to provide the current and best information to help her clients.