Welcome to Monday Morning Roll Call | Episode 012 | United In Purpose

A new Monday Morning Roll Call is released every Monday Morning and provides a short overview format of issues that matter to you and provides encouragement for the week ahead.

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In this episode:

We take one last look at the month of May and the importance of Honor, Remember, and Thank.  We discuss the Florida National Cemetary in Bushnell, Florida and their yearly Memorial Day ceremony.  We remember the words of President Abraham Lincoln in his infamous speech at Gettysburg and the condition of this country at that time.  We talk about divisiveness, but emphasize the need for unity in our country. We are left with final thoughts as we close out the month for remembering those who have given all.  In this episode, Wreaths Across America and Nine Line Apparel, is mentioned. Please be sure to check them both out! (There is no connection between these organizations and On The Blue Line at this time, but they are both great organizations worth checking out) 

Your opinion matters! Please leave comments and feedback on whatever media you are listening to this show. Also, please feel free to email with any questions that you would like dealt with in future episodes. This show is for you the listener and we need your help for it to become a great resource for everyone On the Blue Line. 

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Also, join our closed Facebook Group where we continue these discussions and strive to help all of those On the Blue Line to achieve wholeness and happiness in their everyday life.