Define Your Standard | MONDAY MORNING ROLL CALL | Episode 019 


Monday Morning Roll Call is released every week by On The Blue Line and provides a short overview of issues that matter to you and provides encouragement for the week ahead.


In this episode we discuss:

Each Podcast episode is now available on video on our YouTube Channel.  We mention the movie, The Patriot and a great scene from YouTube.  We discuss the article from the National Parks Service, Rally around the Flag.  We discuss the importance of identifying what is non-negotiable in your life.  We suggest five core values to consider when developing your personal code: Integrity Courage Discipline Patience Gratitude Finally, we encourage you to start this week to develop your personal code and the standard by which you want to live. 


After the episode: 

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If you enjoy the Monday Morning Roll Call, we encourage you to check out our Interview Podcast , The Interview Room


On The Blue Line was founded and is operated by active-duty law enforcement to fulfill the mission of providing guidance, resources and community for law enforcement officers, first responders, and military personal in their off-duty lives.