Previous Episode: Under Suspicion
Next Episode: 28 Hotel Rooms

I can't believe we got here! No, honestly. How did we get here? It's all been a blur. The blur of movement we made to get to episode 40. We started this podcast in August of 2021 with the vain hopes it would do "OK". I'm just happy we ended 2022 on a round number. 

We celebrate episode 40 looking at Jalmari Helander's RARE EXPORTS, a "rare" welcome addition to the traditional Christmas viewing year in, year out. And we celebrate with friends. A whole bunch of them in a Christmas Party setting with similar antics. There's some suspect jokes, wild views and a dude on all-fours licking people's hands. It wouldn't be Christmas without it! 

But really, this is a special Christmas film and well worthy of being our last coverage of the year so sit back, pull up a foot rest, grab your egg-nog and gaze into the burning trash fire. We'll see you in the New Year.