If you're going to stumble face-first into an "open-style" relationship to test the boundaries of your long-term relationship, maybe have a discussion first. Having "PERMISSION" isn't the issue in this romantic comedy directed by Brian Crano, starring Dan the "German love robot" Stevens and Rebecca "in everything pretty much" Hall. 

Yes, we're uncovering the 2017 Romantic-Comedy PERMISSION that follows a couple AT THE BRINK OF MARRIAGE who think it's a good idea to have a go at some other folk before "fully" committing. As you can probably guess, there's a disparity between our hosts, and in classic "On the BiTTE" fashion, one of them liked it better than the other. 

Doesn't take a relationship analyst to figure out who but as the twinkling of the Holiday Season creeps ever closer check out this film that just so happens to be set during Christmastime.