Previous Episode: Brokeback Mountain
Next Episode: Taking Woodstock

Watch your step! Apply caution, there's lust in the air! Get a wet floor sign (the joke didn't really work on air either but it's honestly the best I have at the moment)!

The steamy, raunchy, espionage, spy thriller with all those "hard" sex scenes in them: LUST, CAUTION (2007). I mean they're pretty eye-catching, especially if you happen to lock eyes with Tony Leung at any point during them as he's squashing Tang Wei into as small a ball as possible. 

It's a mixed bag for us. One of those rare occasions where Ryan likes something more than Laura does. There's plenty to like here but when you're posing an argument that it may be didn't need the hard sex scenes as pertaining to our interests on the podcast and in order to tell a good story, you know something's up.