Next Episode: Episode 25: Krisha

Off Script! is a series in which we talk to other film tourists and fans about their location adventures. The best part of film tourism is the endless opportunities. Movies and shows will always be made, providing us the ever-growing location list. Whether you're driving across country or looking for something to do locally, you can usually count on film locations being an option.


Featuring: Robert from @set_jetter


Robert is one of the most experienced location hunters I've met. From taking photos of every single shot and angle, to finding locations before a movie even comes out. His passion and thoroughness makes him THE set jetter. If there's a location you can't find, he's the guy to go to.


Connect with Set-Jetter:

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Instagram - @set_jetter

We love connecting with others in the community, so feel free to send us an email and we can chat about your location adventures!

Email: [email protected]