Friends, I wish you could see my face in this conversation with Heath. I am smiling from ear to ear and holding back laughter almost the entire time. Listening to his story, I just imagine this incredibly entertaining documentary that would be his life. The simultaneous innocence and rowdiness of teenage boys in a small town, the vulnerable connection and codependence between a single mom and her son, and the wild ride as a young man in the world of professional wrestling. I’ll let you wait and hear the story in his voice. This is a fun and full conversation. Heath gets vulnerable with us and I’m grateful for his willingness to share.

Heath wrestled professionally with WWE for 15 years and was let go in the middle of COVID 19, which turned out to be just the pivot in his career that he didn’t know he needed until it happened. I cannot imagine doing Heath’s job or watching my husband take punches the way Heath has for his 16 year wrestling career. He has also recently undergone surgery on his abdomen to repair years worth of injuries and is currently on a road to recovery.

Heath has an infectious enthusiasm for life, a kindness unlike anything I’ve seen in a man that throws humans around for a living, a deep love for his wife and two daughters, a level head and a resilient spirit. Today we talk about taking punches. Getting knocked on your ass and the value of getting back up. For many of us out there, this feels like our soundtrack to life. I personally prefer a life that knocks me down from time to time, keeps me humble.

Heath is in the middle of all kinds of change and rebuilding. Change in his career and building back his body after surgery. He is a go-go-go kind of guy, so sitting still is not something he’s accustomed to, but it’s taught him a lot.

We recorded this conversation in Spring of 2021 and I’ve waited until now, October 2021 to release it as Heath is back in the ring with a big fight coming up later this month. I’m excited to see what is next for him, and I know he has a new internal drive and fight unlike ever before. In the words of Heath Miller, “Let’s go baby.”

Resources & Links to Further Connect with Heath Miller: 

Heath on Instagram 

Heath on Twitter 

If you would like to connect with Ivey and continue the conversation, please feel free to connect on social media.  

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