People often start businesses for a few reasons

Solve a problem
Sell a service or product that they’re talented with
Meet a consumer demand

We are all consumers - We direct the kind of businesses people start and what they sell. As consumers, we have a lot of influence.

I personally struggle with the current status of the fashion industry. A lot of pollution and waste, for what? I feel like we could do better. So, I’m curious, is it possible to spend money on fashion that is both attractive, affordable and good for the environment? My friend Caroline thinks so.

Today I speak with Caroline Dowling, owner of Chosen Boutique in Charlotte, North Carolina on pursuing sustainability. Caroline has married her two personal passions together, fashion and a desire to elevate sustainable brands, often with a give back mission. I hope you learn a little something about sustainability in fashion and why that’s important. Maybe our conversation will even inspire you in some way to become a little more interested in creating sustainability in your own wardrobe. Enjoy!

Show Notes & Links:

On Pursuing - On Sustainability - Episode 5

Social Media for Caroline & Chosen Boutique


Chosen Website: Chosen Boutique

If you'd like to connect with Ivey and continue the conversation, please feel free to connect on social media.